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Ballad Generator

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What is a ballad?

A ballad is a narrative poem or song that tells a story, often with a strong emotional core. Originating from the medieval period, ballads were typically passed down orally, evolving through generations before being transcribed. These tales often revolve around themes of love, tragedy, heroism, or the supernatural, making them deeply resonant with audiences across different cultures and time periods. Structurally, ballads commonly follow a simple rhyme scheme and meter, lending them a musical quality that aids in their oral transmission and memorization. In terms of content, ballads often feature characters facing conflicts or challenges, with the plot unfolding through a series of verses or stanzas. They can range from epic tales of legendary figures to intimate narratives of everyday life. While traditional ballads were commonly associated with folk music traditions, contemporary ballads can be found in various genres, including pop, rock, and country music, adapting the storytelling tradition to modern sensibilities while retaining their poignant and evocative essence.

What is a ballad generator?

a ballad generator, also known as ballad maker or ballad writer, generates ballads for you using artificial intelligence. Follow these 4 steps to generate a ballad:

  1. Select the type of poem: In this case, select "Ballad" from the drop-down list.
  2. Describe your poem: You should include the theme or subject of the ballad and any relevant information you want to be included, such as the characters' backgrounds or the setting of the poem.
  3. Generate the poem: Click the big "Generate poem" button and watch as the AI ballad generator does its magic. When it's finished, you can share the poem with the world, or if you're not happy, regenerate another ballad about the same topic.

How do you write a ballad?

Here are the steps to write a ballad:

  1. Choose a story: Select a narrative or story that you want to convey in your ballad. It could be a tale of love, adventure, tragedy, or any other theme that captures your imagination.
  2. Plan the structure: Determine the structure of your ballad. Traditional ballads often consist of quatrains (four-line stanzas) with a specific rhyme scheme (such as ABCB or ABAB). Decide how many stanzas you want to include and how the story will progress across them.
  3. Establish the meter: Traditional ballads follow a distinct meter known as "ballad meter" or "common meter". This involves alternating lines of iambic tetrameter (four iambs per line) and iambic trimeter (three iambs per line). Establish this rhythmic pattern to maintain the ballad's traditional feel.
  4. Create a refrain (optional): Consider incorporating a refrain—a repeated line or phrase—that adds emphasis, emotion, or a memorable element to your ballad. The refrain can be used at the end of each stanza or at specific intervals within the poem.
  5. Develop the characters: Introduce the characters in your ballad and provide enough detail to make them relatable and engaging. While traditional ballads often feature archetypal characters, you can add depth and complexity to your characters to enhance the storytelling.
  6. Tell the story: Begin narrating the story through the stanzas of your ballad. Use descriptive language, vivid imagery, and engaging dialogue to bring the narrative to life. Remember to focus on the key events and emotions that drive the story forward.
  7. Incorporate repetition: Use repetition to enhance the ballad's rhythm, reinforce important themes, or create a sense of familiarity. Repeating certain lines, phrases, or motifs throughout the ballad can add musicality and reinforce the story's impact.
  8. Revise and refine: Once you have drafted your ballad, read it aloud and revise it for clarity, rhythm, and coherence. Pay attention to the flow of the lines, the consistency of the meter, and the overall impact of the story.
  9. Polish and finalize: Make any necessary edits or adjustments to your ballad, focusing on language, imagery, and emotion. Pay attention to word choice, vivid descriptions, and the overall impact you want to create with your ballad.
Or, generate a ballad using artificial intelligence:

Example of a ballad

O what can ail thee, knight-at-arms, Alone and palely loitering? The sedge has withered from the lake, And no birds sing. O what can ail thee, knight-at-arms, So haggard and so woe-begone? The squirrel's granary is full, And the harvest's done. I see a lily on thy brow, With anguish moist and fever-dew, And on thy cheeks a fading rose Fast withereth too. I met a lady in the meads, Full beautiful—a faery's child, Her hair was long, her foot was light, And her eyes were wild. I made a garland for her head, And bracelets too, and fragrant zone; She looked at me as she did love, And made sweet moan I set her on my pacing steed, And nothing else saw all day long, For sidelong would she bend, and sing A faery's song. She found me roots of relish sweet, And honey wild, and manna-dew, And sure in language strange she said— ‘I love thee true'. She took me to her Elfin grot, And there she wept and sighed full sore, And there I shut her wild wild eyes With kisses four. And there she lullèd me asleep, And there I dreamed—Ah! woe betide!— The latest dream I ever dreamt On the cold hill side. I saw pale kings and princes too, Pale warriors, death-pale were they all; They cried—‘La Belle Dame sans Merci Thee hath in thrall!' I saw their starved lips in the gloam, With horrid warning gapèd wide, And I awoke and found me here, On the cold hill's side. And this is why I sojourn here, Alone and palely loitering, Though the sedge is withered from the lake, And no birds sing.

By John Keats